Dear Jack - The day they met, Jack fell in love and theyve been together ever since. Life had been perfect, he had the kind of life every man dreamed of; the perfect wife, a great job and a foreseeable retirement. That was until the day he came across a letter addressed, Dear Jack. Now he watches as the perfect marriage, job and life gets thrown into hell. A twisted stalker, spilt blood, desperate measures in desperate times. Who holds the secrets and who is telling lies? Its a fight between good and evil, who will win?

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Book Details

️Book Title : Dear Jack
⚡Book Author : Tayler Macneill
⚡Page : 319 pages
⚡Published September 13th 2019 by Macneill Creations

The day they met, Jack fell in love and theyve been together ever since. Life had been perfect, he had the kind of life every man dreamed of; the perfect wife, a great job and a foreseeable retirement. That was until the day he came across a letter addressed, Dear Jack. Now he watches as the perfect marriage, job and life gets thrown into hell. A twisted stalker, spilt blood, desperate measures in desperate times. Who holds the secrets and who is telling lies? Its a fight between good and evil, who will win?